Sports Academies

The Academy Sixth Form offers fantastic opportunities to train and play sport alongside academic studies. This is coached by professional and highly qualified coaches who work alongside the PE teachers within the Academy. Pupils play in all the KENT leagues.

The academies are being delivered by The Sports Trust, a local sports charity with eight years of experience in sport and physical activity participation. Pupils of all abilities and experience will utilise local sporting facilities such as Three Hills Sports Park and offering international excursions as well as opportunities to compete  and watch professional sport in action.  

Each sports academy programmes will provide a rigorous, competitive experience which compliments students’ academic progress and educational goals. Other sporting activities are jointly organised by students and staff developing co-operation and leadership and many of students get involved for social and fitness reasons as well as for match play.

If you would like to enrol at Folkestone Academy Sixth Form and join one of these Sports Academies please email: 

Basketball Academy

Football Academy